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Goal Digger: January 2019

New year, new goals, same me, just more ambitious!!! Welcome to If you are new here, thank you for subscribing! I appreciate the interest in my blog. If you've been rocking with me since November 2017, thank you. I know those first few months were agonizing to read through, and I'm still not a professional blogger yet, but we're getting closer to our goal of full-time blogging.


Wow! 2019 is we're in this thang yall!!! Goals have become a more important to me. Last year was the year that I lived. I came alive and I saw my life more clear than ever...I had no idea WTF I was doing with my life. Then March came around and I realized I had no real goals. The Goal Digger series was born. I was able set realistic goals for myself to accomplish to really get me where I want to be in life.

Realizing that I needed goals made me more determined than ever to create a better life, not only for myself, but for my children as well. I want them to grow up and remember a strong, independent, and driven mother that never gave up, no matter how hard life got.

My goals this year will be broken down into sections. Some months you will see all and some months you will see some. It just depends on what my monthly goals are, which I've already written down. Let's get into January's goals.


In 2018, I realized how much of a hermit crab I really am. I plan on really getting out this month. Even if I got to go by myself, I'll be dating myself a lot this month. Who knows, maybe I'll meet new friends just by hanging out with myself.


I've been monitoring a lot of my finances lately. I pay my bills and then I spend, PERIODT! That's not a way to live, especially when you want to purchase a home for your family. I've never been ashamed to say that I currently reside with my mother. She took us in after I'd lost a job in November 2015. The boys and I have been with her ever since. 2019 will be the year we find a place of our own. By budgeting more, we'll be able to afford another place.


I've definitely slacked on my body goals in the last few months. I've been very inspired by Airee Smith lately. She set out to lose 50 lbs. She's reached 60 and doesn't seem like she's going to lose momentum. If you need some extra inspiration, please give her a follow!


As you know, I'm a licensed esthetician. I've either worked in a spa or in cosmetic retail for the last 8 years of my life. I'm counting this year as a year of transition, as I will be working more on full-time blogging and photography. By December 2019, I WILL be working for myself.


Going through a break-up is tough, even if it is amicable. I'll be working on centering my mind back to me this month.


I want to read more this year. My goal is one book a month. This month I'll be ready Lily Singh's "How To Be A Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life." I want to read more inspiring stories on how other Boss Women got their start.

And there we have it! My starter goals for 2019. I'm confident than ever that I will achieve my goals this year. I plan to be intentional with my goals. Speak them into the universe and making sure I'm specific with my goals will assure that I know what I'm aiming for this year. The Phoenix Beauty 101 question of the week is...

What do you plan to accomplish in the first 3 months of the year?

Drop me a comment and let me know that you plan to accomplish. Thank you so much for all the love and support shown in 2018. You guys are amazing!!! Please be sure to share, like, comment, and SUBSCRIBE!!! Also, all stock photos used in this post are from I love the quality of their photos and they also offer a membership if you're interested. Until next time...


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Phoenix Beauty 101 started as my name in my faux business plan when I was in cosmetology school. I needed a name to finish my project to graduate. It stuck! Fast forward and its been my social media persona since 2011...

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