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A Single Girl's Guide: Surviving Quarantine

As I write this, I've been in quarantine for 45 days. Damn! I've gone stir crazy, lost my temper, questioned myself as a parent, the whole nine. This time has been VERY tough, especially with most of the country being out of work, or being forced to work from home. The world, literally, transformed over night and it looks a lot different than we are use to. The thing we must keep in mind is that self-care is a must, and whether we choose to take this time to create or learn new things, you are loved and have a support system out here.

Quarantine has forced me to look into myself in ways that I never thought I'd have to see me. I've been tested financially, mentally, spiritually, and physically. It's been very tough, given my living situation, but I'm remaining positive. That's one thing I've learned in this phase of life: Don't like the outlook? Change the perspective! It's ALWAYS about perspective. The outlook will have you out here struggling for no reason, but the PERSPECTIVE will have you more focused that ever. Pastor Micheal Todd taught me that.

So how are you, the Single Girl, handling this quarantine? Some of us may have children to occupy our time, but for others, you may be truly single, with no one in the home. You may be at peace with yourself and not need any mental support, but we all need mental support at some point in time. Here are a few tips to help...


This looks different to everyone. For me self-care can be when the boys are napping or playing video games. Any time that I can get alone, I'm appreciative of. For others, self-care may look like at-home facials and pedicures, prayer and meditation, or finding a quiet corner to read a book. Either way, in your free time, find a way to focus on YOU babe. You are the most important thing right now.

What About Your Friends?

I know we're supposed to be on lock down right now, but visiting friends is perfectly fine. Just don't be having any large ass kickbacks. Time with your friends is super important in this time because you all have your different struggles right now, as always, but pulling up on your friends with a bottle of wine, or Jack Daniels because that's your business (shout out to Ms. Tabitha Brown), will show them that you are still in perfect sync with each other.

Passion Projects

If you should so choose to be a creative during this time, starting, or finishing for that matter, a passion project is a great idea. Really take this time to dive into it. There have been so many overnight stars born in this time of quarantine and it's really amazing to see them flourish.

Consult Nature

I'm not an outdoor person at all, but any chance I've had to be outside, I've taken it. Every time I take the boys out for recess time, we have a blast, whether it's flying kites, riding big wheels, or just taking a stroll the neighborhood, we always make it interesting.

What's the Tea, sis?

This has been my favorite of all the things on the list. I LOVE TEA!!! I have a collection of tea in the pantry and this time at home has allowed me to try them all. Some teas you can't drink if you plan on leaving the house (if you catch my drift). For those of us that are 30+ and experience digestive issues, you know what I'm talking about.

Tell me below somethings you've done to keep yourself sane in this time of quarantine. I want to hear from you babes and beaus. We're all in this one together! Until next time...


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Phoenix Beauty 101 started as my name in my faux business plan when I was in cosmetology school. I needed a name to finish my project to graduate. It stuck! Fast forward and its been my social media persona since 2011...

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